Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Tale of Two Worlds Part 1: The Journey Begins

I'm going to begin a story, which I will tell over the next bit of time, in several parts. I’m not sure how long it will take. This story spans over nearly four years of time, and involved several trips between the east and west coasts of the country.

My reason for telling this story is because it’s a perfect example of how the unseen influences of those we know and love are always with us, and how they are always at work in one way or another, on this side and the other.

My story begins with a visit from someone from New Jersey, who came to see me in Los Angeles for a reading. During her session with me an elderly woman who was on the other side, showed up about ten minutes into the session. At first, my client had no idea who the woman was.

The woman appeared quite bold in nature, and was talking about a ring, and about her granddaughter, and she was giving a lot of details that were making no sense whatsoever to my client. This was going on and on, and my client, Dita, was starting to become frustrated, because she felt like this woman was stealing her time.

The woman kept repeating the word, “liv” “live”. I thought she was telling Dita that she needed to live. It was beginning to get confusing when suddenly; I had the clearest visual experience of this woman standing there with a dishtowel over her left shoulder. I said, “This might sound really odd, but she has a dishtowel flung over her shoulder. Does that mean anything to you?”

Suddenly, Dita said, “Oh my God, that’s my friend Maria’s mother, and Olivia “Liv” is Maria’s daughter.” And “Maria actually buried her mother with a ring, and a dishtowel over her shoulder, because that was how she remembered her mom—always in the kitchen with the dishtowel thrown over her shoulder”.

The realization that it was her best friend’s mother coming through to her was so powerful that it moved both of us to tears.
All of what her friend’s mom had been trying to communicate was making sense to her. Although, a lot of what she told her, she had not known before, and that’s why it was so confusing for her.

The entire session was recorded. After leaving the session, Dita called Maria to tell her what had happened, and when she returned to NJ a few days later, she gave Maria the tape. After Maria listened to the tape, I got a phone call from her.

When I look back at what happened over the four years that followed, was absolutely mind-blowing. I witnesses a group of people from this side and the other, weaving in and out of time and space to communicate with one another; to heal a son who had lost his father, to give a wife the strength to know it would be okay for her to live a new life, to obscurely prepare a man for his departure to the other side, and so much more—as family, as friends, and as a community without the boundaries or limitations of the physical.

It is a story of great proportion to say the least, and I truly hope that I can do it justice in sharing it, because it is so poignant in revealing the truth that, life never ends, and that when people die, “they are still here”, as my wise son said at age seven.

After listening to the recording, Maria called me and told me, "you have to come to NJ, immediately". So, we arranged a time that I would be able to do that, and put it all into motion. It was about three weeks after that call that I flew to NJ. When I got there, Maria and Dita had a string of people who wanted sessions with me.
My first session of course, was with Maria, and it was her father who showed up for her first. He and his wife--Maria’s mom, had died within six weeks of each other.

All of the references he made in his communication with his daughter were related to horses, or horsemanship. I’m often surprised by some of the things that come out of my mouth, and also by the terminologies that I use that are not mine. Always when this happens, the person having the reading knows exactly that that’s “their person”, and these are the little things that insure those on the other side are being identified.

It turned out that Maria’s dad was called “Tex”, and his life was very much involved in the equine world. He talked a lot about Liv, and how he and grandma spent time with her every day. It was a very happy union, and Maria’s mom joined in at the end. Maria’s heart was put to rest.

That afternoon I was informed that I would be going to someone's house to do a reading, after dinner. I prefer that people don't tell me anything about who I'm meeting with, because I fear that it will influence me and get in the way of true communication, so all I knew was I was going to someone's house to read for a family.

By the time evening came, I was really tired. Dita had come to pick me up and drive me to the family’s house. As soon as I got into the car I laid my head back against the seat, and closed my eyes.

The instant I closed my eyes, I saw a little girl standing before me. She was about eight-years old, she had very straight light brown hair, just past her shoulders, and she was wearing a dress, and she was holding a doll. She was as clear as if she would have been physically standing there, and she just stood there, looking at me.

Usually when people come to me from the other side, I see them beside me. This little girl was right in front of me, clear as day.

I asked Dita if the people who I was going to see had lost a daughter. She said, "No."

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